Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University
"The FSU Center for Anchored Phylogenomics: Integrating Research, Teaching, and Service to Estimate the Tree of Life using Big Data."


The Center for Anchored Phylogenomics is a vibrant unit on the FSU campus that collects and processes large-scale genomic data in order to estimate evolutionary relationships among a wide range of species for collaborators worldwide. In addition to employing a team of technicians, the Center has trained dozens of undergraduate students, graduate students, and visiting researchers through integration with FSU courses. This synergistic environment enhances graduate and undergraduate education, the research resources, and the international exposure of Florida State University. The work performed at the Center has produced vast amounts of genetic data across the Tree of Life that will serve as a long-term resource for future students to make computational and biological discoveries that go beyond the dozens of publications resulting from the Center's work.