2007.03.14 Minutes Committee Members Present: Erlebacher, Gallivan, Rikvold, Ronquist; Absent: Hussaini The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm on 14 March 2007 in 401 DSL. 1. The annual evaluation procedures were discussed and agreed by the FGC. 2. The class visitation assignments and schedule were discussed and approved by the FGC. 3. The schedule of FGC meetings and the associated lists of faculty members to be discussed were agreed by the FGC. 4. The student evaluation of SCS courses that are team-taught, e.g., ACS 1 Spring 07, was discussed. Approaches taken for other courses with two instructors were discussed and Gallivan was assigned the task of determining what was feasible under the SPOT system. The FGC recommended that an SCS questionnaire targeting the first offerings of courses under development for SCS be tested on ACS 1 this semester. 5. The potential for overlap between Biophysics I and II and SCS molecular dynamics courses was discussed. It was agreed to investigate the syllabi with the instructors to determine if adjustments are needed. 6. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.