
lissajous, a C++ code which computes a Lissajous figure based on user input, and uses OpenGL to display it.

The user specifies information about the number of points, and the form of the two sine curves involved. Depending on these parameters, the resulting shape may or may not be a closed curve. The user also specifies a range for the underlying T parameter. Again, depending on the parameters, this value may result in a closed curve being drawn several times, or a closed curve being only partially drawn.

The program plots N points along the curve

t(i) = i * T2 / ( N - 1 )
x(i) = R1 * sin ( ( A1 * t(i) + B1 ) * 2 * pi )
y(i) = R2 * sin ( ( A2 * t(i) + B2 ) * 2 * pi )
for 0 <= I <= N - 1.

The user specifies N, T2, A1, B1, A2 and B2. The parameters R1 and R2 are currently fixed at 1.


lissajous n t2 a1 b1 a2 b2


The information on this web page is distributed under the MIT license.


lissajous is available in a C++ version and a MATLAB version and an Octave version and a Python version.

Related Data and Programs:


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xyz_display_opengl, a C++ code which reads an XYZ file of 3D point coordinates, and displays an image of those points using OpenGL.


  1. Edward Angel,
    Interactive Computer Graphics, a Top-Down Approach with OpenGL,
    Addison-Wesley, 2000,
    ISBN: 0-201-38597-X,
    LC: T385.A514.
  2. Renate Kempf, Chris Frazier, editors,
    OpenGL Reference Manual,
    Fourth Edition,
    Addison-Wesley, 2004,
    ISBN: 032117383X,
    LC: T385.O642.
  3. Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis,
    OpenGL Programming Guide,
    Addison-Wesley, 1997,
    ISBN: 0-201-46138-2,
    LC: T385.N435.
  4. Richard Wright, Michael Sweet,
    OpenGL Superbible,
    Third Edition,
    Sams, 2004,
    ISBN: 0672326019,
    LC: T385.W73.
    The official OpenGL site.

Source Code:

Last revised on 27 December 2022.