499DSL Renovation

499DSL Renovation

The department’s seminar room (499 DSL) received an extensive equipment and technology upgrade in 2017, with the last phase of the renovation completed in early January 2018. The new upgrades include an advanced viswall system, an Epson laser projector, and two NEC monitors for clear viewing throughout the room. All those who use room 499 to give presentations on the viswall will be able to use the wireless AirMedia AM-101 presentation gateway. With AirMedia, faculty, staff, & students (connected to FSUSecure) can wirelessly present content via their laptop or mobile device. Our seminar room now offers a wider array of input connections, making presentations universal, fast, and easy.

499DSL Renovation

New chairs and power tables were installed on Thursday, January 4, 2018.

The viswall is used for visualization and course instruction, making coursework and lecture content come alive with its high contrast and brightness capabilities. The room and equipment are shared university resources, available for use by other FSU affiliates. In addition to instruction, the resources are used for video conferences and department outreach, and by students (thesis and dissertation defenses, honors projects presentations), organized groups, (Women in Science, Medical Imaging Group, Science Area Meeting), seminar presenters.

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing