Mathematica is a general purpose computer algebra system, that can be used to solve mathematical problems and produce high-quality technical graphics. Mathematica uses a high-level programming language, which allows for numerical and symbolic solutions and gives users a way to define their own procedures. it also has some built in packages, which may be loaded to do work in group theory, linear algebra, and statistics, as well as in other fields. It can be used interactively or in batch mode.

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Current floating network license allows Mathematica to be installed on any client belong to the Department. Use as License Manager (LM) server in such deployment. Mathematica is currently installed on classroom and hallway computers as well as GP cluster. Other installations may be requested through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Open an X11 terminal (X-Win32 for Windows users). If you do not use an X windows enabled terminal Mathematica will return error like this:
    X connection to localhost:... broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
  • From an DSC managed desktop (e.g., hostname is dskscs*** type:
qlogin -l mathematica
  • From all other machines first log in to
ssh -Y
  • then type:
qlogin -l mathematica
  • This command logs you onto the least loaded GP node
  • At GP prompt, type one of the following commands:
mathematica -cleanStart
mathematica -mesa
mathematica -defaultvisual
unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; mathematica
  • To use the non-graphical version of Mathematica type one of these:
math -noprompt < batchfile
math -lmverbose
math -noinit
Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing